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Eliminate Piles Itching Without Surgery - 3 Good Methods To Get Rid Of Piles Naturally

If you would like to heal hemorrhoids, there are low-risk, non-surgical options are available to you

Consider fixative procedures if your hemorrhoids are smaller and swell out of the  anus during bowel movements ( how to cure hemorrhoids at home ). Consider safe and viable fixative procedures if you are older or if your health is poor.  Rubber Band Litigation is a common and safe fixative procedure that places a little rubber band at  foot of an internal hemorrhoid. The band kills the  pile by cutting off its supply of blood and after a few days it will drop off.  Injection Sclerotherapy is another procedure used for internal hemorrhoids involving introducing a  chemical solution into  mucous membrane near  pile. The Injection Sclerotherapy method kills  pile by agitating and closing the  vein. Infrared Photocoagulation is one treatment for hemorrhoids that utilizes ultraviolet light. Dilated veins of hemorrhoids will be hit with ultraviolet light and the  blood clots and kills the  pile as no more blood will flow to it. The second technique of external pile removal is known as Laser Coagulation which is similar to Infrared Photocoagulation. With Laser Coagulation an electric current is applied to  hemorrhoids which shuts down blood supply and kills them.

Follow these tips to modify your exercise routine to care for your anus

Aerobic exercise is a beneficial way to keep your bowels moving regularly ( http://howtocurehemorrhoidsfastathome.com ).  Your process of digestion works more rapidly as you increase your heart rate and metabolism. An all-around useful exercise for pile prevention is walking. Go for walks regularly to better your digestion and build stronger pelvic muscles. Go swimming to get a full-body workout with no pile strain. Kegel exercises are recommended to strengthen  pelvic floor. If you want to complete kegels the  initial step is to start your urine flow and wait a few seconds and then stop. The muscle you use to stop  flow of urine is known as the  PC muscle in women and  BC muscle in men. Now that you know what your PC or BC muscle is you are able to practice tightening and releasing this muscle for count of five. Do 3 sessions of 15 Kegels daily if you want to strengthen your pelvis and minimize  occurrence of piles.

Learn what wholesome foods can get rid of hemorrhoids

Eat more high-fiber foods and this will help keep your stool soft and increase its bulk. In order to move comfortably through  intestines stools need to have bulk and softness.  Start gradually if you're not used to getting much fiber in your diet because you may experience some bloating as you adjust. Eat fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Consume fresh oranges to benefit from their flavonoids. Flavonoids are powerful phytochemicals that promote  health of your veins. Fiber supplements can help you reach the  daily goal of 25-30 grams of fiber. Psyllium is another helpful supplement because it helps improve bouts of constipation and diarrhea. Drink at least 8-10 glass of water each day to help keep stools soft. Consuming probiotics are great at balancing digestive bacteria and helping with constipation.

Use fiber to eliminate hemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding

Avoid and alleviate your hemorrhoid discomfort by eating more fiber ( eliminate piles itching without surgery ).  You should consume 25-30 grams of fiber every day to maintain bowel health. Consume fiber to better your stool consistency and speed up passage of food through your body. You will prevent hemorrhoid-causing obstacles from forming in your bowels when you consume sufficient fiber.   Start eating more vegetables and whole grains in order to increase your fiber intake. Enhance your diet with the  fiber supplements psyllium and ground flaxseed.  These are non-expensive and readily available sources of fiber.  However you cannot just increase your fiber intake and expect all to be well. Fluids in your body are absorbed by fiber so you must drink plenty of water.  However you choose to get more fiber make sure you drink plenty of water or constipation may worsen.