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How To Decrease Swollen Hemorrhoids Fast - Get Secrets To Stop Piles

Learn how ultrasonic technology can be used to remove piles.

The ultrasonic machinery utilized by  Harmonic Scalpel Procedure accurately cuts and congeals pileal tissue ( howtocurehemorrhoidsfastathome.com ). The Harmonic Scalpel tools are a hand-held ultrasonic tool, generator, hand switch, foot pedal and scalpel. Because Harmonic Scalpel Surgery uses ultrasound there is less smoke than is produced by both lasers and electrosurgical instruments.  Whereas lasers perform their action via an electrical current and production of heat  Harmonic scalpel cuts via vibration. Coaptive coagulation is  technique by which bleeding is controlled during this procedure. Without conducting electricity into the  patient the  ultrasound technology of  Scalpel gets  work done. Electro surgery uses high heat to burn blood and tissue to form a charred scab to cover and protect the  bleeding area. There is less pain after a Harmonic Scalpel hemorrhoidectomy because there is no threat of lateral thermal injury. During surgery  Scalpel forms a protein clot which is better at closing off big bleeding vessels. The Harmonic Scalpel method decreases  loss of blood and surgery time while removing large hemorrhoids.


Recover from discomfort and cure hemorrhoids with all-natural herbs

Here are six herbal remedies that are believed to relieve pile pain ( how to cure external hemorrhoids ). You can use aloe vera gel to ease burning by applying it directly to your piles. Utilize an astringent such as witch hazel to lessen  bleeding caused by piles. Witch Hazel can also relieve  itching and swelling associated with piles.  Brew a warm tea with Lady's mantle herbs and apply to hemorrhoids with a cotton ball several times a day. Take horse chestnut extract in capsule or tablet form to help relieve  discomfort of hemorrhoids. The external use of horse chestnut as a compress also functions to alleviate inflammation cause by hemorrhoids. The herbs chamomile and calendula can also relieve hemorrhoids when applied as compresses. You can use  ayurvedic mixture of Triphala as a bowel tonic and to ease constipation. Consume marshmallow root and flaxseed teas to soften your bowels and reduce swelling.

Use Cold-Therapy as a very effective way to get relief and remove hemorrhoids

Cold treatments are effective in shrinking irritated blood vessels of piles. Cold treatments are inexpensive and simple ways to relieve pile pain. They provide instant relief by diminishing swelling of the  affected area and thus allowing blood to flow freely. Another bonus of cold therapy is that it numbs affected areas and subdues pain.  You can use icepacks found in all health stores to remove piles. You can also crush ice and place it in a bag or thin towel. Never subject  anus to ice directly as tissue damage can occur.  Be sure to cover  cold treatment in a thin towel and then place on  irritated area. A minimum of twenty minutes of application is needed in order to numb the  area. Do this once a day as an easy and all-natural remedy to pile pain.

 Dissipate annoying and painful piles with Laser Surgery and heal piles.

Skilled surgeons use laser light for Laser Surgery with stunning accuracy ( how to decrease swollen hemorrhoids fast ). Hemorrhoids are destroyed instantaneously with laser lights that are utilized in Laser Surgery. The infinitely small laser beam used allows for acute precision with rapid healing. The laser seals off small blood vessels quickly and safely with its invisible light. The process seals surface nerve endings impeding postoperative discomfort. When  tiny blood vessels are closed it allows physicians to operate in a structured and bloodless environment. The result is less need for medication and a quick recovery time. Procedures could be completed quickly with less difficulty for both patient and physician. Fixative procedures may accompany Laser Surgery or it may be used alone. A group of 750 patients were reported to have successful results of 98% after completing laser surgery.