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How To Heal Hemorrhoids Itching Quickly - See Secrets To Overcome Hemorrhoids Naturally

Before you consider surgery, look into fixative processes to eliminate hemorrhoids

Fixative procedures are usually tried before surgery if your hemorrhoids are small and stick out of the  anus ( click here to visit ).  Procedures such as these are the  preferred treatment for older people and those in poor health. Rubber Band Litigation is a common and safe fixative procedure that places a little rubber band at  foot of an internal pile. The band kills the  pile by cutting off its supply of blood and after a few days it will drop off.  The mucous membrane near  internal piles can be injected with a chemical mixture which is a process known as Injection Sclerotherapy. The Injection Sclerotherapy technique kills the  hemorrhoid by agitating and closing the  vein. Using Infrared Photocoagulation on external hemorrhoids is another option for treatment. Dilated veins of hemorrhoids will be hit with ultraviolet light and the  blood clots and kills  pile as no more blood will flow to it. Another method similar to Infrared Photocoagulation and used for external piles is known as Laser Coagulation. With Laser Coagulation an electric current is applied to the  piles which shuts down blood supply and kills them.

Sitz baths encourage healing and ease discomfort of piles by assisting blood flow to your rectal area ( how to get rid of hemorrhoids fast ). Using warm water in a sitz bath calms inflamed flesh inside and around the  anus.  Sitz baths or any shallow plastic pan are easy to find at any local drugstore. Fill the  sitz bath or plastic container with warm water.  The water should feel quite warm but not too hot that it scalds. Dissolve salt in  sitz bath water in order to mollify your hemorrhoids swiftly.   Sit in the  sitz bath keep  affected area submerged in  water for at least fifteen minutes.  Do add more hot water to the  soothing sitz bath as time passes. When you have finished let the  area dry naturally or pat it dry with a clean towel.  A sitz bath can be used 1 or 2 times a day to relieve pile inflammation.

Use cold therapy to contract aggravated blood vessels in your anus. These treatments are very inexpensive and can be used anywhere. You can employ cold therapy to minimize swollen and irritated skin and provide immediate relief. Another bonus of cold therapy is that it numbs affected areas and subdues pain.  You can use icepacks found in all health stores to heal hemorrhoids. Crushed ice placed in a bag or towel works just as well as icepacks. Never subject the  anus to ice directly as tissue damage can occur.  Instead cover the  icepack with a soft wrapping and apply to the  affected area.  Keep the  cold treatment on the  inflamed area for at least twenty minutes. You can use cold therapy as a natural pile relief with no side effects.

 Consume more fiber to ease the  discomfort and pain and treat piles

Avoid and alleviate your pile discomfort by eating more fiber ( how to heal hemorrhoids itching quickly ). Eat 25-30 grams of fiber each day to keep your bowels in great condition. Fiber speeds up  passage of food through your digestive system and improves stool regularity. You will prevent hemorrhoid-causing obstacles from forming in your bowels when you consume sufficient fiber.   Good sources of fiber are fresh vegetables and whole grains. Enhance your diet with the  fiber supplements psyllium and ground flaxseed.  These are non-expensive and readily available sources of fiber.  However you cannot just increase your fiber intake and expect all to be well. Fiber attracts and absorbs fluids so you must increase your fluid intake as well.  In whatever form you ingest fiber be sure to drink a lot of water or juice to prevent constipation.